Monday, June 6, 2016

Before you waste money on that extra cable box, read this

You’re paying too much for your cable boxes. If you’re like the average American household, you’ve likely got two boxes, which you rent from your television provider for close to $200 a year. That’s a lot of cash.

But there’s an easy, and inexpensive way to pay way less for your cable boxes and still be able to watch “The Real Housewives of the Potomac” on every TV in your home. (Yeah, I’m calling you out, Mom.)

While a lot of cable companies offer streaming apps for your smartphone and tablet, only two also let you stream to your tube: Time Warner Cable (TWC) and Charter Communications (CHTR). All you need is a cable TV subscription to one of the two services (obviously), one cable box that you can put on your main TV and a Roku Stick or player. I prefer the Stick because it's the least expensive option.

You then have to add Roku to your second TV, and download the Time Warner Cable TWC TV or Charter Spectrum app to it as you would any other app. Log into your TWC or Spectrum account through the Roku app, and you’ll be able to watch live cable on your big-screen.

Read full story at

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