Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Time Warner gets Floresville-area Internet back in action

If you live in or near Floresville and found your Internet service down yesterday afternoon, June 13, here’s why!

According to Wilson County Information Technology Director John Holcombe, yesterday mid-afternoon, a truck snagged the [Time Warner] fiber near the Abrego Lake subdivision north of Floresville and broke it.

This disconnected service for a number of homes, businesses, and community organizations, including Connally Memorial Medical Center, Wilson County offices, the Floresville Independent School District, the Wilson County News, TopGun Telecom, ZIPLink Internet, and the Floresville Electric Light & Power System, to name a few.

The county contacted Time Warner around 4:30 p.m. to report the outage. A crew was on site about 6 p.m to repair and replace the broken fiber. Service was restored by approximately 11:30 p.m. Some of these entities also rely on the connection for telephone service.

“These fibers are usually about 10 micron thick, and they require specialized equipment to fuse the glass back together,” Holcombe told the Wilson County News.

The last major outage like this was caused by the EF-2 tornado that struck Floresville last October, he said.

“Considering the extent of the damages, the repair was done rather quickly,” Holcombe added.

Read full story at

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